Restoration and Revisionism

In their joint commentary track on the Masters of Cinema DVD/Blu-Ray release of the newly restored Metropolis, David Kalat and Jonathan Rosenbaum express some concern that this new version will cause the disappearance of all previous versions. Why should this be a problem? After all, the “restored” Metropolis is the closest we’ll ever get to […]

DVD Addiction

I’m addicted to DVDs, and like many addicts I’m somewhat ambivalent about my substance of choice. Back in the day (and I am old enough to use that expression) I got a pleasure out of watching movies that I don’t seem to get so much any more. In some ways this seems strange because in […]

Blasts from the past

Summer viewing: the serious stuff

The joy of B: Sam Katzman’s 1950s horrors

Establishing Shots by Kevin Nikkel: book review

Ghosts, demons and cinematic experiments
