
Between 1989 and 1996, I made four short films, the first three through the Winnipeg Film Group, the fourth at Video Pool. All of them got a certain amount of festival play and television exposure. After 1995, my attention turned almost exclusively to editing professionally and, although I have since written a number of scripts, I didn’t make another film of my own until embarking on a feature-length documentary at the end of 2011, which was finally completed in late 2012. Going: Remembering Winnipeg Movie Theatres was produced for the local digital channel  Stories From Home. In 2014, working with my friend Janine Tschuncky, I made a one-hour documentary for the same channel, CarFree: Stories From the Non-driving Life.

Carfree: Stories from the Non-Driving Life

Going: Remembering Winnipeg Movie Theatres

Incident at Pickerel Fillet

The Exquisite Corpse (segment)

The Adventures of Stella Starr

The Man Who Ran Away to Sea

The Duel – Töt Bête Lögn (music video)


Kenneth George GodwitnKenneth George Godwin, Film Editor
I have been editing a wide range of film and video projects, both documentary and drama, for two-and-a-half decades. I started at the Winnipeg Film Group, cutting on Steenbeck 16mm flatbeds, adopted Avid in 1995, and have used FinalCut Pro quite extensively over the past ten years. Projects I have worked on have screened – and won awards – at festivals around the world.
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Blasts from the past

Criterion Blu-ray review: Jan Troell’s The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972)

When Horror Came to Shochiku: from absurd to apocalypse …

Serendipity at the mall: disk discoveries from England and Australia

Fede Alvarez’s Alien: Romulus is a fine franchise reboot