Jean Eustache’s The Mother and the Whore (1973): Criterion Blu-ray review

Alexandre (Jean-Pierre Léaud) sees yet another woman to pursue in Jean Eustache's The Mother and the Whore (1973)

Criterion’s new release presents a stunning restoration of Jean Eustache’s intimate epic The Mother and the Whore (1973), a bleak epitaph for the failed promise of social change which climaxed and crashed with the May 1968 uprising in Paris: a few years later, the film’s characters are adrift and trying to rebuild a sense of themselves in a society which has rejected them and their dreams.

Serendipity at the mall: disk discoveries from England and Australia

Compromised effects undermine producer George Pal's attempt to depict space travel in Byron Haskin's Conquest of Space (1955)

A recent trip to one of the last places in Winnipeg where you can actually buy movies on disk, armed with a bag full of DVDs and Blu-rays to trade, netted an interesting assortment of items, new and used, including some from the UK and Australia; it brought back the pleasures of in-store shopping and immediately being able to go home and watch what I’d just bought.

Blasts from the past

Euro Pulp

John Dies At the End … and that’s not a bad thing

Criterion Blu-ray Review: Riot In Cell Block 11 (1954)

Cheap sci-fi and hardboiled noir in 3D
