Styles of Horror, part two

Recent disks offer a range of horror movies displaying commercial and artier approaches to the genre from Vincent Price vehicles from American-International to Roger Vadim’s visually rich LeFanu adaptation …et mourir de plaisir and Bill Gunn’s key Black Cinema offering from 1973, Ganja & Hess.

Recent viewing, part 2

You could make an interesting double bill out of Daniel Barber’s Harry Brown (2009) and Joe Cornish’s Attack the Block (2011). Both are set in crime-ridden British housing estates where residents are terrorized by youth gangs, both have a gritty tone which strives to create a sense of relevance and immediacy. But while they have […]

Blasts from the past

John Dies At the End … and that’s not a bad thing

Dario Argento in decline

The joy of B: Sam Katzman’s 1950s horrors

Criterion Blu-ray review: Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Blind Chance (1981)
