Random notes: two films and a book

Erwin Leder as the psychopathic killer K in Gerald Kargl's unsettling Angst (1983)

A variety of approaches to horror are on display in Guillermo Del Toro’s new film Crimson Peak; a book about Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining which gathers together articles, essays and interviews from the ’80s to the present; and a disturbing 1983 Austrian film based on a real-life multiple murder, Gerald Kargl and Zbigniew Rybczynski’s Angst.

Blasts from the past

Late Summer Viewing, part 2

Listmania redux: The Greatest Documentaries of All Time, part two

Theo Angelopoulos (1935-2012)

Peter Yates (1929-2011)
